CILEx Regulation’s new corporate strategy

Our new Corporate Strategy 2025-2027 is the product of widespread consultation and engagement with our regulated community and stakeholders

We are proud of the high standard of focused regulatory services that we deliver to CILEX and its members and of our robust, independent and cost-effective operational structure. As we look ahead to the next three years, we also reflect on the significant progress we have made in delivering our 2022-24 strategy, including progress against our equality, diversity and inclusion, higher rights, CPD and transparency objectives.

We have identified four key strategic objectives: standards and public trust; access to justice and consumer empowerment; independence and sustainability; and continue to be an authoritative, inclusive and capable organisation.

Our underlying approach will be to continue to focus on delivering forward-looking legal regulation which protects and promotes the interests of consumers and advances the core issues affecting the legal services sector.

We also aim to develop our close partnership with fellow regulators, those representing consumers and other stakeholders and to continue to collaborate with those we regulate. The people we regulate are unique and varied, and deserve a regulator large enough to deliver for them, and small enough to care about them.