Access for all
Following publication of its latest diversity report, CILEx Regulation examines the CILEX membership data, what it tells us about the characteristics of members and highlights emerging trends
CILEx Regulation is firmly committed to fair access to the profession for all those who work within the legal services market. EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) is at the heart of all we do.
A key element of our EDI strategy is to ensure we have accurate data, to enable us to continue to build on our understanding of our regulated community.
“By closely analysing the unique characteristics of our members, we can recognise trends and make informed strategic decisions”CILEx Regulation publishes the information every two years and this year’s all-member Diversity Report draws on data from 16,757 CILEX members, nearly four times the number of individuals who provided data for the first survey back in 2017. The data is more complete than our previous collection, allowing us to build on our understanding of the membership and provide more accurate insights.
Thanks to all CILEX members for completing their personal data submission and helping to build this valuable data set. By closely analysing the unique characteristics of our members, we can recognise trends and make informed strategic decisions.
Key insights
Analysis of the data has shown us the following:
*some percentages do not total 100% because of prefer not to say responses
CILEX and social mobility
We introduced a new question this year to capture socio-economic background (SEB). We did this alongside other legal professions to achieve consistency of data across the legal sector.
The question asks about the occupation of the main household earner when the member was aged 14.
The CILEX route, of course, offers the opportunity to combine studying alongside earning without the need to gain a law degree. This opens the possibility of a legal career to people from non-traditional backgrounds. This was supported by the responses to the new question which demonstrated:
The national benchmark for socio-economic backgrounds of the UK workforce is shown in Chart 3 below which can be compared with the backgrounds of CILEX members in Chart 4.
You can find out more detail on the findings by reading the full CRL Diversity report 2023.